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We Rise, We Resist, We Raise Our Voices to Receive Jane Adams Children’s Book Honor Award
Join us for a celebration of the 2019 Addams Award winners and honorees. Come meet and talk with the authors and illustrators of this year’s commended books, including:


Jacqueline Woodson, Rafael López, Jewell Parker Rhodes, Wade Hudson, Cheryl Willis Hudson, Veera Hiranandani, and Jessica Love! (Click here for more...)

news-events-just-us-books-book-council-diversity-outstanding-achievement-award-winner.jpgJust Us Books Named Children’s Book Council Diversity Outstanding Achievement Award Winner
New York, NY – September 26, 2019 – The CBC Diversity Committee is proud to announce the winners of the 2nd Annual CBC Diversity Outstanding Achievement Awards. These awards are given annually to professionals or organizations in the children’s publishing industry who have made a significant impact on the publishing and marketing of diverse books, diversity in hiring and mentoring, and efforts that create greater awareness with the public about the importance of diverse voices.
(Click here for more...)


I'm A Big Sister Now Wins 2019 Ben Franklin Award
I'm A Big Sister Now by Katura Hudson, illustrated by Sylvia Walker, was named the 2019 Benjamin Franklin Award winner in the children's picture book (ages 4-7) category. The award was presented by the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) at the 31st Annual Ben Franklin Award program, held in Chicago on April 5, 2019. The Ben Franklin Awards recognize excellence and innovation in independent publishing - judging both editorial and design of each entry.

I'm a Big Sister Now explores the anticipation, excitement, and pride a young girl experiences as she helps to welcome a new baby to the family. (Click here for more...)

 news-events-just-us-books-mackin-interview-with-wade-cheryl-hudso.jpgMackin Interview: Pioneer Publishers Pave the Way 
For decades there has been a lack of choices for books featuring diverse characters created by diverse authors and illustrators. In response, We Need Diverse Books (WNDB) was created to bring equality in representation to children’s book publishing. However, before WNDB, there were organizations and people standing up and leading the way. Two of those people were Wade Hudson and his wife, Cheryl Willis Hudson, of Just Us Books... (Click here for more...)

news-events-just-us-books-matthew-winner-interview.jpgThe Children's Book Podcast: Matthew Winner Interviews Cheryl & Wade Hudson
Cheryl Willis Hudson (@diversitymom_ch) and Wade Hudson (@hudsonwade) are the founders of Just Us Books and the editors of We Rise, We Resist, We Raise Our Voices. In this anthology of stories, poems, art, and photographs, fifty of the foremost diverse children's authors and illustrators--including Jason Reynolds, Jacqueline Woodson, and Kwame Alexander-- share answers to the question, "In this divisive world, what shall we tell our children?" (Click here for more...)


news-events-just-us-books-real-brightly-interview.jpgRead Brightly: Wade & Cheryl Hudson Discuss We Rise, We Resist, We Raise Our Voices
Cheryl Willis Hudson and Wade Hudson’s work has been a part of my life for years. When I was a college student, I worked as a literacy coach in the Harlem and Washington Heights neighborhoods of New York City, and I found that the Afro-Bets were a surefire hit with all of the children. When I was a new mom, I was infinitely grateful for books like Bright Eyes, Brown Skin and the Book of Black Heroes.....(Click here for more..)


news-events-just-us-books-on-the-karen-hunter-radio-show.jpgThe Karen Hunter Show
What do we tell our children when the world seems bleak, and prejudice and racism run rampant? With 96 lavishly designed pages of original art and prose, fifty diverse creators lend voice to young activists. Featuring poems, letters, personal essays, art, and other works from such industry leaders as Jacqueline Woodson...
(Click here for more..)


news-events-just-us-books-nterview-with-edi-campbell.jpgEdi Campbell Interviews Wade and Cheryl Hudson
Exciting times for Wade & Cheryl Hudson! Their publishing company, Just Us Books turns 30 this year. With the publication of AFRO-BETS ABC Book, the Hudsons brought in a new era of publishing, one that would recognize the importance of black children, readers, families and consumers. Cheryl and Wade reflect on the growth of their business during a recent interview with The Brown Bookshelf. (Click here for more..)


news-events-just-us-books-book-web-interview-with-wade-cheryl.jpgAmerican Booksellers Association: Q&A With Ci6 Keynote Speakers Wade & Cheryl Hudson
Wade Hudson and Cheryl Willis Hudson, the editors of the upcoming children’s anthology We Rise, We Resist, We Raise Our Voices (Crown Books for Young Readers, September 4), will appear at the sixth Children’s Institute (Ci6), which will be held June 19–21 in New Orleans (Click here for more...)